Blacksmith Bioscience Warhammer
WarHammer contains chitosan, a natural plant defense elicitor, which means that it can trigger the plant’s immune system to fight against pathogens and stress. Chitosan forms a protective coating that prevents the invasion of harmful microorganisms. It can also enhance the plant’s growth and productivity by improving the absorption of essential minerals, such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Moreover, chitosan can help plants cope with extreme temperatures, drought and salinity by reducing water loss and increasing antioxidant activity. It can be used on indoor and outdoor crops against nematodes, fungi, bacteria and some viruses. Soil diseases suppressed include Fusarium, Rhizoctonia, Pythium, Phytophthora, Sclerotinia, Verticillium and other soil borne diseases.
Rampart Fungicide
DIRECTIONS FOR USE It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling. Read entire label before using this product. Do not apply this product in a way that will contact workers or other persons, either directly or through drift. Only protected handlers may be in the area during application. For any requirements specific to your State or Tribe, consult the State or Tribal agency responsible for pesticide regulation. When using Rampart fungicide with Pentra-Bark, adhere to applicable label directions. Only use Pentra-Bark with basal bark or tree injection applications. GENERAL APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS Apply Rampart Fungicide by various application methods, including foliar sprays, trunk injection*, soil drench, soil incorporation, basal bark application, and bare root dip. For foliar sprays, apply Rampart Fungicide with sufficient water for adequate coverage of foliage, according to crop and growth stage. To insure good coverage, spray to wet. GENERAL APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS (TRUNK INJECTION ONLY*) Rampart Fungicide is a systemic fungicide for the prevention and treatment of Downy mildew, Sudden oak death (Phytophthora ramorum), root rots (Phytophthora spp.), Pythium and various other disease of agricultural trees, indoor and outdoor ornamentals, forestry applications including domestic trees, conifers, pines and oaks. This product may be applied up to the day of harvest. MIXING INSTRUCTIONS 1. Fill the spray tank with 1/2 of the required volume of water. 2. Add Rampart Fungicide slowly to the tank and agitate by hydraulic or mechanical means. 3. Continue to fill the tank with water to the desired volume while agitating. 4. Continue agitation when applying. For 1.0 gallon (3.785 liters) container sizes: this package can treat up to 34,848 square feet at the maximum treatment rate. For 2.5 gallons (9.463 liters) container sizes: this package can treat up to 2 acres at the maximum treatment rate. For 5.0 gallons (18.925 liters) container sizes: this package can treat up to 4 acres at the maximum treatment rate.. COMPATIBILITY Mixing Rampart Fungicide with certain surfactants, foliar fertilizers or other pesticides may cause crop injury. Rampart Fungicide is a slightly acidic buffer solution. Avoid mixing Rampart Fungicide with strongly acidic or alkaline materials. Do not tank mix without first testing the mixture’s compatibility nor apply it without assessing its safety to the crop (phytotoxicity). It is not possible to test all material combinations and environmental tank mix combinations. Always conduct a test with the intended tank mix on a small area prior to any large scale applications. To determine if a combination is phytotoxic to a specific crop, spray a small area of foliage and fruit, and then evaluate 3 to 7 days later for visual symptoms. Test the compatibility of spray adjuvants (i.e. stickers, spreaders, wetting agents) with Rampart Fungicide before use. Do not use acidifying type compatibility agents. To determine the compatibility of Rampart Fungicide with other products, use a jar compatibility test. Add the correct proportions of each product and the appropriate quantity of water to clean container, thoroughly mix, then let stand for 3 to 5 minutes. If the mixture remains in solution or can be remixed readily, the products are considered compatible. Compatability (Trunk Injection Only*): Use only Rampart Fungicide alone when used as a trunk injection. To avoid undesirable phytotoxicity, do not apply Rampart Fungicide to trees treated with other pesticides or copper based compounds at intervals less than 20 days, unless instructed to do so by your consultant.
Sierra Natural Science 203 Concentrated Pesticide Soil Drench/Foliar Spray
Description: Made of rosemary and clove botanical extracts, this pesticide has been developed to control damaging soil-borne pests. These types of pest insects will feast on delicate roots and stalks and thrive in high-moisture growing environments. The carefully formulated components of SNS 203 will cause the pests to dehydrate and die; but this formula will also help clear out fungus and algae, which cuts down on food sources for pests. The ingredients in SNS 203 are processed in-house by Sierra Natural Science to ensure consistency and full potency in each batch. All botanical extracts are food-grade materials, highly water-soluble and completely biodegradable.
- Created as a root drench, but equally effective as a foliar spray and in hydroponics
- Can be used on a broad range of plants, fruits, and vegetables
- No restricted entry interval (0-hr REI)
- Non-toxic and safe to use around people and pets when used as directed
- Exempt from EPA registration as a minimum risk pesticide under FIFRA 25b
- COVERAGE: 1 gallon of mixed solution to 10 gallon potted plants or 230 square feet.
- Mix 4-8 TBSP or 2-4 oz (depending on severity of infestation) of concentrate to 1 gallon of water.
- Thoroughly drench affected and surrounding areas.
- COVERAGE: 1 gallon of mixed solution will cover approximately 550 square feet.
- No restricted entry interval (0-hr REI).
- Mix 4-12 TBSP or 2-6 oz (depending on severity of infestation) of concentrate to 1 gallon of water.
- Spray foliage to point of runoff.
- Apply 2-5 times every 2-3 days (again, depending on severity of infestation).
- Place plant in 5 gallon bucket.
- Pour solution over root system and drain into bucket (solution is reusable).
- Let sit for 5-10 minutes.
- Rinse with water and return plant to system.
- Pour solution over root system and drain into the system.
- Make sure to flush system after use.
- SNS-203 should not be left in a reservoir.
- Use on a 7-14 day schedule as preventative maintenance.
- May be used up to the day prior to harvest.
- Mix content of package (1.25 oz. concentrate) with 32 oz. of water and stir.
- Thoroughly drench affected area and surrounding soil and/or spray foliage to point of runoff.
- Apply 2-5 times every 2-3 days, depending on severity of infestation.
SuffOil-X suffocates and kills soft-bodied insect pests in all life stages (eggs, larvae, nymphs and adults). It is also highly effective at preventing and controlling fungal diseases like rusts, mildews and Botrytis. As a fungicide, SuffOil-X works as a suffocant and prevents pathogenic spores from attaching to the plant host. This prevents infection and stunts the growth of established foliar diseases like mildews and rusts. SuffOil-X leaves no toxic residue on plants, making it a good choice to use with beneficial insects. Since it has minimal residual activity beneficials can rapidly repopulate the sprayed area, while some beneficials are mobile enough to avoid the spray area entirely. Key Features:
- SuffOil-X is made with a highly refined, pre-emulsified mineral oil to optimize coverage rates & limit risk of plant damage.
- Easily diluted with water. It will not separate in a spray tank.
- 4-hour REI and 0-day PHI. For highly sensitive and specialty crops, stop spraying 3 weeks prior to harvest.
- Effective on a wide variety of crops including vegetables (row and field), flowers, foliage plants, greenhouse ornamentals and vegetables, ornamentals*, shade trees, shrubs, small fruits, tree crops and Christmas trees.
- Do not apply this product through any type of irrigation system (i.e. via chemigation).
- All horticultural oils interfere with or slow plant transpiration and respiration during periods of evaporation. DO NOT apply during periods of drought or when plants exhibit moisture stress.
- Spray early in day and when temperature does not exceed 95°F. Use enough spray solution to completely penetrate the leaf canopy and cover both top and bottom of all leaves until wet without significant runoff.
- Monitor weather conditions. Apply when oil will dry and evaporate in 1-2 hours and when relative humidity is less than 90%. Avoid application on overcast, humid days when evaporation times will be longer. Avoid spraying during high winds.
Sierra Natural Science 209 Systematic Pest Control
SNS 209 Systemic Pest Control approaches the problem of insect pest control by working within the plant itself. This unique organic formula contains rosemeric acid, a derivative of the rosemary plant, that the plant will uptake and spread throughout its vascular system. The presence of rosemeric acid in the plant cells forms a barrier that insects find distasteful. Once a feeding insect comes in contact with the rosemeric acid, they retreat and look for a more suitable food source. Contact with rosemeric acid can be fatal depending on the size of the pest affected and that pest's maturity. Since SNS 209 works within the plant tissue, it provides long term control of a broad spectrum of insect pests. SNS 209 will stay in the plant's leaves, stems and roots and cannot be diluted or washed away by the elements as is the case with foliar sprays. SNS 209 will protect all parts of the plants from a medley of insect attacks. For instance, protected roots will keep grubs and root aphids away while protected stems and leaves will repel the likes of aphids and thrips. Another advantage to the systemic action of this product is that you can use it without fear of harming bees, butterflies and other beneficial insects since they are not actively feeding on the plant. There is no Restricted Entry Interval (REI), either, so you can spray this product as needed, when needed. SNS 209 Systemic Pest Control has been reviewed and found to be compliant with the National Organic Program (NOP). Suggested Uses: For use controlling and repelling Spider Mites, Whiteflies, Fungus Gnats, Thrips, Root Aphids, Scales and more on fruit trees and in vegetable, flower and herb gardens as well as in greenhouses and hydroponics. This Product Controls These Pests or Diseases: Spider Mites (Tetranychidae), Whiteflies (Aleyrodoidea), Fungus Gnats (Bradysia coprophila, Bradysia impatiens), Thrips (Thysanoptera), Root Aphids, Scales (Coccoidea) and other plant feeding insects. APPLIATION: Soil Drench For Potted Plants: Coverage= 1 gallon of mixed solution per 5 gallon potted plant or 115 square feet. 1. Mix ½ tablespoon (8 mL) of concentrate to 1 gallon (3.79L) of water. 2. SNS-209 can be added directly to your reservoir. 3. Mix well and gently feed solution directly onto the root area of the plants every time you water or fertilize. 4. Thoroughly drench to contact as much of the root area as possible. 5. Apply for a minimum of 5 consecutive waterings or until infestation reduces. 6. Repeat after 2 weeks or if infestation returns. 7. It takes 1-2 weeks for SNS-209 to start working, dependent on temperature, and should continue to work for up to 3 weeks. Soil Drench For Row Crops With Drip Irrigation: Coverage= use 2-6 quarts per acre. Repeat steps 2-7 from the Soil Drench application above. Chemigation Systems: • Anti-siphon and back flow device must be used. • Use in overhead and drip irrigation systems only with a chemical acid rated pump only. • Review the Application & Use found under the MSDS tab for proper rate per acre per crop. • Use chemical at the end of the irrigation cycle in order not to over dilute. Foliar Spray: Coverage= 1 gallon of mixed solution will cover approx. 550 square feet with no REI.1. Mix 2 tablespoons (32 mL) of concentrate to 1 gallon (3.79L) of water. 2. Mix 54 ounces of SNS-209 per 50 gallons of water. 3. Spray every 3-4 days for 21 days. 4. It takes about 2-3 days (1-2 weeks for potted plants) after applying to start working, dependent on temperature, and should continue to work for up to 3 weeks. 5. Reapply every 14-28 days as needed. NOTE: ONLY AVAILABLE FOR LOCAL PICK-UP
Pure Crop 1
DESCRIPTION: This ground-breaking insecticide and fungicide uses food grade oils, organic acid and plant-based materials that are blended into colloidal micelles (also described as nano supramolecular surfactant). These micelles attract larger solid particles and then encapsulate them. This encapsulating process allows PureCrop1 to rapidly activate, spread and maintain its efficacy long-term, while boosting brix and plant health in general.
- Insect Control - PureCrop1 will eliminate sap-sucking insects in 2 ways: it dissolves the body membrane and interferes with digest enzymes in the gut (which makes them unable to process food). The particular enzymes affected are not found in beneficial insects, so PureCrop1 can be used in conjunction with beneficials.
- Disease Control - PureCrop1 will destroy molds and mildews by lifting them from the surface and washing them away. It will completely biodegrade the pathogens and leave a healthy plant surface inhospitable to further disease growth.
- Plant Health - PureCrop1 will give you healthier, more robust plants through more efficient nutrition uptake. This is due to the unique nanotechnology of this product. The micelles are able to carry the fatty acids needed to process soluble and insoluble nutrients directly to the phloem and xylem of the plant, where it can get right to work. Quick nutrition means faster root development, quick foliar growth and timely ripening.
- Fill container with clean filtered water. Dilute at a rate of 128:1 (1 ounce to 1 gallon of clean water). When used as a root drench, or as a general surfactant, dilute at a rate of 100:1.
- Shake well & completely saturate leaves and stems once a day for 3-4 days until problems have been resolved.
- For long term vibrant health of plants or crops, continue spraying product once per week.
Grandevo WDG
Grandevo uses the bacterium Chromobacterium subtsugae strain PRAA4-1T to provide long-lasting, broad spectrum control of sucking and chewing insects. Grandevo's mode of action is multi-faceted; it is toxic to insects and mites when ingested, reduces reproduction rates and repels pests after application. This OMRI listed and NOP compliant organic pesticide/miticide can be a valuable part of any IPM (Integrated Pest Management) program. Simply mix with water and apply as a foliar spray to affected crops. Grandevo can be used on a wide range of edible crops in field and greenhouse applications for the control of a long list of labeled pests. Benefits of Grandevo:
- Increased Plant Health & Yields – Limits damage to crops and stays working to suppress secondary outbreaks.
- 0-day pre-harvest interval (PHI). Use up to the day of harvest.
- 4-hour re-entry interval (REI).
- Managed Resistance – Ideal for use with IRM (Insect Resistance Management) programs. Insects are less able to develop resistance over time compared to traditional insecticides due to the Grandevo's various modes of action. Combine with resistance-susceptible pesticides to improve the effectiveness of your spraying program.
- Reduced Harm to Pollinators & Beneficials – While no pesticide is completely harmless to beneficials, Grandevo poses less hazard than other similar pesticides. For instance, it will repel honeybees for 4-6 days after spraying but has no acute toxicity to them.
- For Organic Use – OMRI (Organic Materials Review Institute) listed and NOP (National Organic Program) compliant.
- Production Flexibility – Can be used in both greenhouse, indoor and field applications.
- Residue exempt (maximum residue limit – MRL) and CODEX exempt.
- Cannabis-Specific Pest & Disease Control
- Ground and aerial applications: Use sufficient water to provide thorough coverage of infested plant parts. The amount of water needed per acre will depend upon crop development, weather, application equipment and local experience.
- Greenhouse Applications: Use 1-3 lbs/100 gals. of water sprayed until just before point of runoff.
- Tank Mix Programs: Apply 1-2 lbs/acre.
- Rotational Programs: Apply 2-3 lbs/acre when alternating.
- This product temporarily repels honeybees, for 4-6 days after spraying. If possible, time applications so that pollination is not disrupted.
- For insects and mites, thorough coverage of infested plant parts is necessary for effective control. Grandevo does not have systemic activity. For some crops, directed drop nozzles by ground machine are required.
- Under heavy pest populations, apply a knockdown insecticide prior to or in a tank mix with Grandevo. Use the higher label rates, shorten the spray interval and/or increase the spray volume to improve coverage.
- Repeat applications at an interval sufficient to maintain control, depending upon plant growth rate, insect and mite activity and other factors. If attempting to control an insect population with a single application, make the treatment when egg hatch is essentially complete but when larvae or nymphs are young and before economic damage occurs.
- To enhance control, consider tank mixing with contact insecticides/miticides. Use the lower label rates when populations are low and when tank mixing with other insecticides/miticides. Use the higher rates when applied stand-alone, when populations are high or when egg numbers are high.
- For hard-to-wet crops, consider using a spreader/sticker or adjuvant that has been targeted for crop use to enhance coverage and adhesion to the crop.
- Grandevo has been evaluated for phototoxicity on a variety of crops under various normal growing conditions. However, testing on all crop varieties, in all mixtures and combinations, is not feasible. Prior to treating entire crop, test a small portion of the crop for sensitivity.
- Do not spray when wind speed favors drift beyond the area intended for use. For more details on applications for specific crops and pests, please refer to the label. It can be found under the MSDS tab.
Venerate XC
Venerate uses killed cells of the Burkholderia spp. strain A396 and spent fermentation media to control insects in fields and greenhouses. It works within several modes of action: It's toxic when ingested, degrades insect exoskeletons and interferes with the molting process. Any one of those can cause mortality in target pests; but Venerate combines them for maximum control. These modes of action also reduce risk of target insects developing resistance making it effective as part of Insect Resistance Management programs. Venerate offers broad spectrum control against a wide range of foliar feeding insects and plant feeding mites. These include aphids, beetles, whiteflies, russet mites, thrips, leafhoppers, stink bugs, lygus bugs and more. It is effective against both adults and nymphs. Benefits of Venerate
- Proven effective for controlling persistent pest infestations.*
- 0-day PHI (Pre-harvest Interval)
- 4-hour REI (Restricted-Entry Interval)
- MRL (Maximum Residue Limit) Exempt
Regalia CG
REGALIA Biofungicide ignites the natural defenses of a plant to protect it from a variety of foliar and soil-borne fungal and bacterial diseases. Its active ingredient, extract of Giant Knotweed (Reynoutria sachalinensis), boosts plant vigor and growth while stimulating the plant's ability to develop resistance to plant pathogens (induced resistance). This developed resistance builds plant health as opposed to attacking the disease directly. REGALIA should be applied early on, as a preventive application instead of a curative treatment. This will provide protection for sprouting leaf tissue, flowers, above ground fruit and vegetables. Applying REGALIA to an actively growing plant will keep the plant protected from certain plant diseases, particularly those that affect plants in early development. Healthy starts means healthy growth, which leads to improved crop quality and increased yields. Benefits of REGALIA:
- Broad spectrum control of fungal and bacterial diseases.
- 4-hour REI (Restricted-Entry Interval), 0-day PHI (Pre-harvest Interval).
- Highly compatible with beneficial insects and beneficial nematodes.
- Rainfast in 1 hour.
- MRL (Maximum Residue Limit) exempt.
- Unique FRAC P5 (Fungicide Resistance Action Committee) Classification for resistance management
- Apply REGALIA at 1-4 qts./acre for general applications.
- Downy Mildew: 2-4 qts./acre (foliar)
- White Mold: 2-4 qts./acre (foliar)
- Fusarium: 3-4 qts./acre (soil)
- Smaller Scale Applications: 2 tbsp./gal. of water
Sierra Natural Science 217C Mite Control
Description: SNS 217 and SNS 217C are equally powerful in their effect on a spider mite population, which one you choose should only be dependent on your specific needs in your growing situation. Using food grade rosemary extracts and oils, these products will kill adult spider mites and prevent their eggs from hatching. The natural salts and fatty acids derived from the rosemary disrupt the insect cell structure and the permeability of its membranes; this will quickly cause the insect to dehydrate and die. Additionally, once eggs are coated with the oily liquid, their respiration will be blocked and they will perish without hatching. The plant will absorb some of the components of these products, which will the form a barrier to any additional mites that may try to feed on it.
- Can be used on delicate new growth, clones, tomatoes and roses.
- Exempt from EPA registration under minimum risk pesticides (FIFRA section 25b)
- No restricted entry level (REI)
- May be used up to the day prior to harvest.
- For preventative maintenance, spray on a 7-14 day schedule. Depending upon severity of infestation, several applications may be required. If needed, spray every 3-5 days until you have control of the problem.
- Complete coverage of all plant tissue (leaves, stems, stalk, fruit and around flower) is necessary for control. Make sure to spray thoroughly under the leaves where spider mites hide and lay their eggs.
- To reduce the chance of burning do not use under direct sunlight or grow lamps.
- No restricted entry level (REI).
- May be used up to the day prior to harvest.
- Mix contents of package, 6 oz. concentrate, with 32 oz. of water.
- To reduce the chance of burning, do not use under direct sunlight or grow lamps.
- Apply every 3-5 days, depending on the severity of infestation.
- Mixed solution may be stored for up to two weeks if not used immediately.
Protect your plants from pests! We’ve formulated one of the best quality pesticides for organic farming. Fight pesky intruders from ruining your crops. Cultivate healthier harvests without the use of toxic chemicals. Nurturing plant health is difficult when pests start to invade your crops, but our powerful solution is on your side. Our expert formula allows you to maintain your organic farming methods while fighting invasive pests. EX-ICUTE is your safe pesticide option derived from natural ingredients.
Benefits of Organic
- Optimal plant health. Keep your plants protected against destructive pests, including insects and fungi. Prevent future infestations as well. Our pesticides allow you to stick to your organic farming methods while fighting against insects and other harmful pests.
- Safe for you and your family. It’s widely known that toxic pesticides can have negative impacts on your health. When crops are treated with harsh chemicals, it can adversely affect the health of the farmer, their family, and their surrounding community. Choose the safe option and avoid serious health effects. EX-ICUTE is made from safe and natural ingredients for worry-free farming.
- Environmentally friendly. Use an eco-friendly crop control treatment. Your crops are connected to the surrounding environment, including the soil, plant life, and nearby wildlife. Spraying crops with natural substances ensures that the surrounding environment isn’t harmed.
- More money in your pocket. If you lose your crops to pests, there’s no doubt it’ll have a huge impact on your profit. Organic farmers are faced with the tough decision of how to rid pests safely, but EX-ICUTE is the organic solution. Natural pesticides tend to be effective for a longer period of time compared to synthetic pesticides. Keep the pests away, keep your vegetables organic, and keep your money in your pocket!
Lost Coast Plant Therapy
Description: Healthy plant protection. Effectively eliminate harmful insects and powdery mildew, without polluting the environment. Kill bugs on contact without using poison. Active Ingredients: Soybean Oil, Peppermint Oil, Citric Acid, Water, Soap, Isopropyl Alcohol, Sodium Citrate
- 32 oz concentrate mixes with water to make 32 gallons of spray.
- 1 gallon concentrate mixes with water to make 128 gallons of ready to use spray.
- 2.5 gallon concentrate mixes with water to make 320 gallons of ready to use spray.