This biopesticide utilizes killed cells of the Burkholderia spp. strain A396 and spent fermentation media to target a wide range of insect pests in fields and greenhouses. It works through multiple modes of action, including toxicity when ingested, degradation of insect exoskeletons, and interference with the molting process. This combination provides maximum control and reduces the risk of resistance, making it effective in Insect Resistance Management programs.
Venerate offers broad-spectrum control of a variety of foliar-feeding insects and plant-feeding mites, including aphids, beetles, whiteflies, russet mites, thrips, leafhoppers, stink bugs, and lygus bugs. It’s effective against both adult and nymph stages of these pests.
Certified for organic use (OMRI listed), Venerate is suitable for conventional and organic gardening, with no limit on applications per season. It can be applied as a foliar spray to most crops via ground or aerial equipment, with no spray buffer required. Additionally, it has a 0-day pre-harvest interval (PHI) and a 4-hour restricted-entry interval (REI). The product is exempt from maximum residue limits (MRLs).
Venerate has also proven highly effective against persistent pest infestations, particularly the Asian Citrus Psyllid, which is a major threat to the citrus industry.
Application Rates:
Please always consult the manufacturer's label for detailed application rates, storage, and usage instructions.
Caution: Avoid applying Venerate when beneficial insects are active in the application area. While it poses less risk than conventional chemical pesticides, Venerate can still negatively impact beneficial populations. Wait 48 hours after the last application to release beneficials in the treatment area. If you have questions about using Venerate with beneficial insects or other sprays, please call 1-800-827-2847.
Please note: There is no difference between Venerate XC and Venerate CG other than the labeling. Both products are identical, with the "CG" label designating its use for cannabis cultivation.
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