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Soilscape Solutions® Phylloscape Calcium
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Phylloscape Calcium is the major building block of all plant cell structures and plays a major role in plant cell formation, structure, and strength, basic plant metabolic functions as well as pest and pathogen resistance.
Foliar applications of Calcium can help mitigate deficiencies, and provide this essential nutrient to plant tissue directly.
Application Rate
- For foliar solution mix 2.5 - 10 mL of Soilscape Solutions® Phylloscape Calcium per 1 gallon of water.
- Phylloscape Calcium should be used with our entire Phylloscape Foliar Fertilizer Package. You can find specific application rates in our Phylloscape Feed Chart.
Soilscape Solutions®
Phylloscape Package
Let’s start by stating, mineral rich plants are healthy plants.
Those minerals must be provided at the correct rates and at the correct time during the plants growth cycle. Creating the ideal balance and diversity of minerals, and their availability to our target crops, is what Phylloscape is specifically designed to achieve. Cultivating nutrient rich, pest/pathogen resistant, healthy and robust plants is the purpose behind this program.
Starter Kit - Designed for approximately 500-2,000 sq/ft spaces
Quart Package - Designed for approximately 10,000+ sq/ft spaces
Gallon Package - Designed for approximately 40,000+ sq/ft spaces
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Learn More About the Phylloscape Foliar Nutrition Program
Each Phylloscape Package will include the following
- Soilscape Solutions Phylloscape Aloe Vera Powder – Concentrated 200x Phylloscape Aloe Vera Powder is one of the richest plant sources of saponins, amino acids, enzymes and contains a full array of 83 elements. Our aloe is produced using a proprietary process which reserves the full range of polysaccharides found in fresh leaf. Phylloscape Aloe Powder can be used as a direct dip for rooting clones, or as part of a foliar feeding program.
- Soilscape Solutions Phylloscape Boron – Phylloscape Boron has essential role in the uptake and metabolism of Calcium and Silica. Boron is also critical in the nitrogen fixation process feeding essential cyanobacteria. Boron availability in soil is strongly influenced by soil moisture content and becomes limiting in arid conditions.
- Soilscape Solutions Phylloscape Calcium – Phylloscape Calcium is the major building block of all plant cell structures and plays a major role in plant cell formation, structure, and strength, basic plant metabolic functions as well as pest and pathogen resistance. Foliar applications of Calcium can help mitigate deficiencies, and provide this essential nutrient to plant tissue directly.
- Soilscape Solutions Phylloscape Copper – Phylloscape Copper is an essential plant element for its role as a catalyst in enzymatic redox reactions, protein chain formation and the intercellular transport of essential anions, which accompany the copper cation. Copper also acts as a natural fungicide by denaturing the enzymes and proteins that make up fungal hyphae and spores.
- Soilscape Solutions Phylloscape Full-Humic Powder – Soilscape Solutions® Phylloscape Ful-Humic Powder is a water-soluble powder, organically derived from corn stalks. Its capacity to penetrate the plants stomata allows leaf tissue to accept nutrients rapidly in foliar applications. This low molecular weight humic acid binds to immobile and molecularly heavy minerals to transport them into plant tissues for faster growth and enhanced yields.
- Soilscape Solutions Phylloscape Iron – Plants that exhibit Fe deficiencies will also have a limited ability to produce and complete enzymatic processes, including forming complete proteins. Fe deficiency stress is also associated with an enhanced production of organic acids, which can negatively impact a plants sap pH, rendering it overly acidic. Fe also acts as a metal component in redox reactions, or as a bridging element between an enzyme and a substrate, to create a complete protein. Fe is directly responsible for: protein synthesis, RNA synthesis, biosynthesis of chlorophyll and overall photosynthesis activity
- Soilscape Solutions Phylloscape Kelp Powder – Soilscape Solutions® Soluble Kelp Powder (1-0-12) is a concentrated organic kelp derived from Ascophyllum Nodosum. This cytokinin-dominant kelp can be used as soil drench or as part of a foliar program. Soluble Kelp Powder provides over 60 assorted nutrients, including extra potassium. A highly effective natural plant fertilizer and an excellent source of food for both beneficial bacteria and fungi.
- Soilscape Solutions Phylloscape Magnesium – Phylloscape Magnesium is the central atom comprising the chlorophyll molecule, thus playing a pivotal role in giving plants their vibrant green color. Magnesium is also involved in balancing plant cellular pH, acting as the dominant cation in the cation:anion ratio.
- Soilscape Solutions Phylloscape Manganese – Phylloscape Manganese is a transitional metal which plays a major role in the cellular reproductive process. Working in conjunction with Magnesium in the formation of chlorophyll and lipid concentrations, Manganese is necessary for the activation of certain enzymes which lead to the biosynthesis of aromatic amino acids and plant secondary metabolic products, such as lignin and flavonoids.
- Soilscape Solutions Phylloscape Nitrogen-Phosphorus – Phylloscape Nitrogen Phosphorus is a great option when immediately available phosphate is needed. This conventional blend is specially formulated for foliar application of plant available Phosphorus. The Nitrogen capacity of Phylloscape NPhos is derived using ammonium hydroxide. This aspect of the solution is non-systemic and non-translaminor. Nphos is also helpful to aid in micro element uptake, when soils are challenged by high pH.
- Soilscape Solutions Phylloscape Nitrogen Powder – Phylloscape Water Soluble Nitrogen Powder is an organic fertilizer, derived from sustainably sourced non-GMO vegetable proteins with an amino acid profile specifically formulated for foliar application. Nitrogen is a fundamental component of plant enzymes and proteins. It is critical in the process of photosynthesis, plant and leaf growth, and flower production.
- Soilscape Solutions Phylloscape Potassium – Phylloscape Potassium is essential to a vast array of plant metabolic functions, and helps plants metabolize other elements, like Phosphorus. Potassium is highly mobile in plants, and moves through individual cell structures, tissues as well as the main transport system comprised of the Xylem and Phloem.
- Soilscape Solutions Phylloscape Zinc – Phylloscape Zinc aids in the formation of specific enzymatic functions and metabolic pathways resulting in increased tolerance to environmental stress factors, as well as peak genetic expression of cultivars. When Zinc is present in plant tissue at appropriate levels, plants are more resistant to pathogenic pressure, and have a higher resistance to sap-sucking insects.
- The Phylloscape program is designed to put an already established cultivation system over the top in terms of quality and yield. It is not to be used as a stand alone product.
- All application rates in above feed chart are expressed in ml/gal.
- It is recommended to be applied 3x per week and should be discontinued entirely 10 days prior to harvest. Spray in intervals of at least every other day.
- Water and Phylloscape inputs used to make solution should be as close to room temperature as possible.
- In Vegetative Stage and Weeks 1/2 of Flowering, apply generously to leaf surface.
- In Week 3 of Flowering and beyond apply only a light mist to the leaf surface. Do not apply to the point of runoff.
- It is best to spray in early morning light or before light. DO NOT apply in direct sunlight.
- Mix each input separately into final solution volume. DO NOT mix then dilute with water.
- DO NOT apply products individually from one another. He highly advise all products be used together at suggested application rates.
- Plants must be adequately watered at time of application. DO NOT spray wilting or thirsty plants.
- Use any mixed solution or toss it. DO NOT store in mixed solution for more than 12 hours.
- Apply Phylloscape independently from other foliar products.
Soilscape Solutions® Phylloscape Iron
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Iron is a transitional element, and its solubility in soil can be very limited. Plants that exhibit Fe deficiencies will also have a limited ability to produce and complete enzymatic processes, including forming complete proteins.
Fe deficiency stress is also associated with an enhanced production of organic acids, which can negatively impact a plants sap pH, rendering it overly acidic.
Fe also acts as a metal component in redox reactions, or as a bridging element between an enzyme and a substrate, to create a complete protein.
Fe is directly responsible for: protein synthesis, RNA synthesis, biosynthesis of chlorophyll and overall photosynthesis activity.
Application Rate
- For foliar spray mix 0.5 mL to 5 mL of Soilscape Solutions Phylloscape Iron per 1 gallon of water.
- Phylloscape Iron should be used with our entire Phylloscape Foliar Fertilizer Package. You can find specific application rates in our Phylloscape Feed Chart.
Soilscape Solutions® Phylloscape Copper
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Phylloscape Copper is an essential plant element for its role as a catalyst in enzymatic redox reactions, protein chain formation and the intercellular transport of essential anions, which accompany the copper cation.
Copper also acts as a natural fungicide by denaturing the enzymes and proteins that make up fungal hyphae and spores.
Application Rate
- For foliar solution mix 1 - 3 mL of Soilscape Solutions® Phylloscape Copper per 1 gallon of water.
- Phylloscape Copper should be used with our entire Phylloscape Foliar Fertilizer Package. You can find specific application rates in our Phylloscape Feed Chart.
Soilscape Solutions® Phylloscape Manganese
Download the entire Phylloscape Feed Schedule
Phylloscape Manganese is a transitional metal which plays a major role in the cellular reproductive process.
Working in conjunction with Magnesium in the formation of chlorophyll and lipid concentrations, Manganese is necessary for the activation of certain enzymes which lead to the biosynthesis of aromatic amino acids and plant secondary metabolic products, such as lignin and flavonoids.
Application Rate
- For foliar solution mix 0.5 - 2 mL of Soilscape Solutions® Phylloscape Manganese per 1 gallon of water.
- Phylloscape Manganese should be used with our entire Phylloscape Foliar Fertilizer Package. You can find specific application rates in our Phylloscape Feed Chart.
Soilscape Solutions® Phylloscape Zinc
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Phylloscape Zinc aids in the formation of specific enzymatic functions and metabolic pathways resulting in increased tolerance to environmental stress factors, as well as peak genetic expression of cultivars.
When zinc is present in plant tissue at appropriate levels, plants are more resistant to pathogenic pressure, and have a higher resistance to sap-sucking insects.
Application Rate
- For foliar solution mix 1 - 3 mL of Soilscape Solutions® Phylloscape Zinc per 1 gallon of water.
- Phylloscape Zinc should be used with our entire Phylloscape Foliar Fertilizer Package. You can find specific application rates in our Phylloscape Feed Chart.
Soilscape Solutions® Phylloscape Nitrogen Phosphorus 0-21-0
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Phylloscape Nitrogen Phosphorus is a great option when immediately available phosphate is needed. This conventional blend is specially formulated for foliar application of plant available Phosphorus.
The Nitrogen capacity of Phylloscape NPhos is derived using ammonium hydroxide. This aspect of the solution is non-systemic and non-translaminor. Nphos is also helpful to aid in micro element uptake, when soils are challenged by high pH.
Application Rate
- For foliar solution mix 1 - 3 mL of Soilscape Solutions® Phylloscape Nitrogen Phosphorus 0-21-0 per 1 gallon of water.
- Phylloscape Nitrogen Phosphorus 0-21-0 should be used with our entire Phylloscape Foliar Fertilizer Package. You can find specific application rates in our Phylloscape Feed Chart.
Soilscape Solutions® Phylloscape Boron
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Phylloscape Boron has essential role in the uptake and metabolism of Calcium and Silica. Boron is also critical in the nitrogen fixation process feeding essential cyanobacteria. Boron availability in soil is strongly influenced by soil moisture content and becomes limiting in arid conditions.
Soilscape Solutions® Phylloscape Potassium 0-0-23
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Phylloscape Potassium is essential to a vast array of plant metabolic functions, and helps plants metabolize other elements, like Phosphorus. Potassium is highly mobile in plants, and moves through individual cell structures, tissues as well as the main transport system comprised of the Xylem and Phloem.
Application Rate
- For foliar solution mix 1 - 3 mL of Soilscape Solutions® Phylloscape Potassium per 1 gallon of water.
- Phylloscape Potassium should be used with our entire Phylloscape Foliar Fertilizer Package. You can find specific application rates in our Phylloscape Feed Chart.
Soilscape Solutions® Phylloscape Magnesium
Download the entire Phylloscape Feed Schedule
Phylloscape Magnesium is the central atom comprising the chlorophyll molecule, thus playing a pivotal role in giving plants their vibrant green color. Magnesium is also involved in balancing plant cellular pH, acting as the dominant cation in the cation:anion ratio.
Application Rate
- For foliar solution mix 1 - 2 mL of Soilscape Solutions® Phylloscape Magnesium per 1 gallon of water.
- Phylloscape Magnesium should be used with our entire Phylloscape Foliar Fertilizer Package. You can find specific application rates in our Phylloscape Feed Chart.
Rampart Fungicide
It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling. Read entire label before using this product. Do not apply this product in a way that will contact workers or other persons, either directly or through drift. Only protected handlers may be in the area during application. For any requirements specific to your State or Tribe, consult the State or Tribal agency responsible for pesticide regulation. When using Rampart fungicide with Pentra-Bark, adhere to applicable label directions. Only use Pentra-Bark with basal bark or tree injection applications.
Apply Rampart Fungicide by various application methods, including foliar sprays, trunk injection*, soil drench, soil incorporation, basal bark application, and bare root dip. For foliar sprays, apply Rampart Fungicide with sufficient water for adequate coverage of foliage, according to crop and growth stage. To insure good coverage, spray to wet.
Rampart Fungicide is a systemic fungicide for the prevention and treatment of Downy mildew, Sudden oak death (Phytophthora ramorum), root rots (Phytophthora spp.), Pythium and various other disease of agricultural trees, indoor and outdoor ornamentals, forestry applications including domestic trees, conifers, pines and oaks. This product may be applied up to the day of harvest.
1. Fill the spray tank with 1/2 of the required volume of water.
2. Add Rampart Fungicide slowly to the tank and agitate by hydraulic or mechanical means.
3. Continue to fill the tank with water to the desired volume while agitating.
4. Continue agitation when applying.
For 1.0 gallon (3.785 liters) container sizes: this package can treat up to 34,848 square feet at the maximum treatment rate.
For 2.5 gallons (9.463 liters) container sizes: this package can treat up to 2 acres at the maximum treatment rate.
For 5.0 gallons (18.925 liters) container sizes: this package can treat up to 4 acres at the maximum treatment rate..
Mixing Rampart Fungicide with certain surfactants, foliar fertilizers or other pesticides may cause crop injury. Rampart Fungicide is a slightly acidic buffer solution. Avoid mixing Rampart Fungicide with strongly acidic or alkaline materials. Do not tank mix without first testing the mixture’s compatibility nor apply it without assessing its safety to the crop (phytotoxicity). It is not possible to test all material combinations and environmental tank mix combinations. Always conduct a test with the intended tank mix on a small area prior to any large scale applications. To determine if a combination is phytotoxic to a specific crop, spray a small area of foliage and fruit, and then evaluate 3 to 7 days later for visual symptoms.
Test the compatibility of spray adjuvants (i.e. stickers, spreaders, wetting agents) with Rampart Fungicide before use. Do not use acidifying type compatibility agents. To determine the compatibility of Rampart Fungicide with other products, use a jar compatibility test. Add the correct proportions of each product and the appropriate quantity of water to clean container, thoroughly mix, then let stand for 3 to 5 minutes. If the mixture remains in solution or can be remixed readily, the products are considered compatible. Compatability (Trunk Injection Only*): Use only Rampart Fungicide alone when used as a trunk injection. To avoid undesirable phytotoxicity, do not apply Rampart Fungicide to trees treated with other pesticides or copper based compounds at intervals less than 20 days, unless instructed to do so by your consultant.
Sierra Natural Science 203 Concentrated Pesticide Soil Drench/Foliar Spray
Made of rosemary and clove botanical extracts, this pesticide has been developed to control damaging soil-borne pests. These types of pest insects will feast on delicate roots and stalks and thrive in high-moisture growing environments. The carefully formulated components of SNS 203 will cause the pests to dehydrate and die; but this formula will also help clear out fungus and algae, which cuts down on food sources for pests.
The ingredients in SNS 203 are processed in-house by Sierra Natural Science to ensure consistency and full potency in each batch. All botanical extracts are food-grade materials, highly water-soluble and completely biodegradable.
- Created as a root drench, but equally effective as a foliar spray and in hydroponics
- Can be used on a broad range of plants, fruits, and vegetables
- No restricted entry interval (0-hr REI)
- Non-toxic and safe to use around people and pets when used as directed
- Exempt from EPA registration as a minimum risk pesticide under FIFRA 25b
- COVERAGE: 1 gallon of mixed solution to 10 gallon potted plants or 230 square feet.
- Mix 4-8 TBSP or 2-4 oz (depending on severity of infestation) of concentrate to 1 gallon of water.
- Thoroughly drench affected and surrounding areas.
- COVERAGE: 1 gallon of mixed solution will cover approximately 550 square feet.
- No restricted entry interval (0-hr REI).
- Mix 4-12 TBSP or 2-6 oz (depending on severity of infestation) of concentrate to 1 gallon of water.
- Spray foliage to point of runoff.
- Apply 2-5 times every 2-3 days (again, depending on severity of infestation).
- Place plant in 5 gallon bucket.
- Pour solution over root system and drain into bucket (solution is reusable).
- Let sit for 5-10 minutes.
- Rinse with water and return plant to system.
- Pour solution over root system and drain into the system.
- Make sure to flush system after use.
- SNS-203 should not be left in a reservoir.
- Use on a 7-14 day schedule as preventative maintenance.
- May be used up to the day prior to harvest.
- Mix content of package (1.25 oz. concentrate) with 32 oz. of water and stir.
- Thoroughly drench affected area and surrounding soil and/or spray foliage to point of runoff.
- Apply 2-5 times every 2-3 days, depending on severity of infestation.