Weight | 35 lbs |
Dimensions | 6.5 × 9 × 14 in |
Size | 2.5 gal |
Rampart Fungicide
$145.45 $102.37
It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling. Read entire label before using this product. Do not apply this product in a way that will contact workers or other persons, either directly or through drift. Only protected handlers may be in the area during application. For any requirements specific to your State or Tribe, consult the State or Tribal agency responsible for pesticide regulation. When using Rampart fungicide with Pentra-Bark, adhere to applicable label directions. Only use Pentra-Bark with basal bark or tree injection applications.
Apply Rampart Fungicide by various application methods, including foliar sprays, trunk injection*, soil drench, soil incorporation, basal bark application, and bare root dip. For foliar sprays, apply Rampart Fungicide with sufficient water for adequate coverage of foliage, according to crop and growth stage. To insure good coverage, spray to wet.
Rampart Fungicide is a systemic fungicide for the prevention and treatment of Downy mildew, Sudden oak death (Phytophthora ramorum), root rots (Phytophthora spp.), Pythium and various other disease of agricultural trees, indoor and outdoor ornamentals, forestry applications including domestic trees, conifers, pines and oaks. This product may be applied up to the day of harvest.
1. Fill the spray tank with 1/2 of the required volume of water.
2. Add Rampart Fungicide slowly to the tank and agitate by hydraulic or mechanical means.
3. Continue to fill the tank with water to the desired volume while agitating.
4. Continue agitation when applying.
For 1.0 gallon (3.785 liters) container sizes: this package can treat up to 34,848 square feet at the maximum treatment rate.
For 2.5 gallons (9.463 liters) container sizes: this package can treat up to 2 acres at the maximum treatment rate.
For 5.0 gallons (18.925 liters) container sizes: this package can treat up to 4 acres at the maximum treatment rate..
Mixing Rampart Fungicide with certain surfactants, foliar fertilizers or other pesticides may cause crop injury. Rampart Fungicide is a slightly acidic buffer solution. Avoid mixing Rampart Fungicide with strongly acidic or alkaline materials. Do not tank mix without first testing the mixture’s compatibility nor apply it without assessing its safety to the crop (phytotoxicity). It is not possible to test all material combinations and environmental tank mix combinations. Always conduct a test with the intended tank mix on a small area prior to any large scale applications. To determine if a combination is phytotoxic to a specific crop, spray a small area of foliage and fruit, and then evaluate 3 to 7 days later for visual symptoms.
Test the compatibility of spray adjuvants (i.e. stickers, spreaders, wetting agents) with Rampart Fungicide before use. Do not use acidifying type compatibility agents. To determine the compatibility of Rampart Fungicide with other products, use a jar compatibility test. Add the correct proportions of each product and the appropriate quantity of water to clean container, thoroughly mix, then let stand for 3 to 5 minutes. If the mixture remains in solution or can be remixed readily, the products are considered compatible. Compatability (Trunk Injection Only*): Use only Rampart Fungicide alone when used as a trunk injection. To avoid undesirable phytotoxicity, do not apply Rampart Fungicide to trees treated with other pesticides or copper based compounds at intervals less than 20 days, unless instructed to do so by your consultant.
Trifecta Crop Control
- 3 times/week
- 2 oz/gal
Grandevo WDG
$216.00 $168.19
- Increased Plant Health & Yields – Limits damage to crops and stays working to suppress secondary outbreaks.
- 0-day pre-harvest interval (PHI). Use up to the day of harvest.
- 4-hour re-entry interval (REI).
- Managed Resistance – Ideal for use with IRM (Insect Resistance Management) programs. Insects are less able to develop resistance over time compared to traditional insecticides due to the Grandevo's various modes of action. Combine with resistance-susceptible pesticides to improve the effectiveness of your spraying program.
- Reduced Harm to Pollinators & Beneficials – While no pesticide is completely harmless to beneficials, Grandevo poses less hazard than other similar pesticides. For instance, it will repel honeybees for 4-6 days after spraying but has no acute toxicity to them.
- For Organic Use – OMRI (Organic Materials Review Institute) listed and NOP (National Organic Program) compliant.
- Production Flexibility – Can be used in both greenhouse, indoor and field applications.
- Residue exempt (maximum residue limit – MRL) and CODEX exempt.
- Cannabis-Specific Pest & Disease Control
- Ground and aerial applications: Use sufficient water to provide thorough coverage of infested plant parts. The amount of water needed per acre will depend upon crop development, weather, application equipment and local experience.
- Greenhouse Applications: Use 1-3 lbs/100 gals. of water sprayed until just before point of runoff.
- Tank Mix Programs: Apply 1-2 lbs/acre.
- Rotational Programs: Apply 2-3 lbs/acre when alternating.
- This product temporarily repels honeybees, for 4-6 days after spraying. If possible, time applications so that pollination is not disrupted.
- For insects and mites, thorough coverage of infested plant parts is necessary for effective control. Grandevo does not have systemic activity. For some crops, directed drop nozzles by ground machine are required.
- Under heavy pest populations, apply a knockdown insecticide prior to or in a tank mix with Grandevo. Use the higher label rates, shorten the spray interval and/or increase the spray volume to improve coverage.
- Repeat applications at an interval sufficient to maintain control, depending upon plant growth rate, insect and mite activity and other factors. If attempting to control an insect population with a single application, make the treatment when egg hatch is essentially complete but when larvae or nymphs are young and before economic damage occurs.
- To enhance control, consider tank mixing with contact insecticides/miticides. Use the lower label rates when populations are low and when tank mixing with other insecticides/miticides. Use the higher rates when applied stand-alone, when populations are high or when egg numbers are high.
- For hard-to-wet crops, consider using a spreader/sticker or adjuvant that has been targeted for crop use to enhance coverage and adhesion to the crop.
- Grandevo has been evaluated for phototoxicity on a variety of crops under various normal growing conditions. However, testing on all crop varieties, in all mixtures and combinations, is not feasible. Prior to treating entire crop, test a small portion of the crop for sensitivity.
- Do not spray when wind speed favors drift beyond the area intended for use. For more details on applications for specific crops and pests, please refer to the label. It can be found under the MSDS tab.
Lost Coast Plant Therapy
- 32 oz concentrate mixes with water to make 32 gallons of spray.
- 1 gallon concentrate mixes with water to make 128 gallons of ready to use spray.
- 2.5 gallon concentrate mixes with water to make 320 gallons of ready to use spray.
Sierra Natural Science 209 Systematic Pest Control
Monterey Garden Insect Spray
$21.45 $18.49
Sierra Natural Science 217C Mite Control
- Can be used on delicate new growth, clones, tomatoes and roses.
- Exempt from EPA registration under minimum risk pesticides (FIFRA section 25b)
- No restricted entry level (REI)
- May be used up to the day prior to harvest.
- For preventative maintenance, spray on a 7-14 day schedule. Depending upon severity of infestation, several applications may be required. If needed, spray every 3-5 days until you have control of the problem.
- Complete coverage of all plant tissue (leaves, stems, stalk, fruit and around flower) is necessary for control. Make sure to spray thoroughly under the leaves where spider mites hide and lay their eggs.
- To reduce the chance of burning do not use under direct sunlight or grow lamps.
- No restricted entry level (REI).
- May be used up to the day prior to harvest.
- Mix contents of package, 6 oz. concentrate, with 32 oz. of water.
- To reduce the chance of burning, do not use under direct sunlight or grow lamps.
- Apply every 3-5 days, depending on the severity of infestation.
- Mixed solution may be stored for up to two weeks if not used immediately.
Blacksmith Bioscience Warhammer
Venerate XC
- Proven effective for controlling persistent pest infestations.*
- 0-day PHI (Pre-harvest Interval)
- 4-hour REI (Restricted-Entry Interval)
- MRL (Maximum Residue Limit) Exempt